• Table of Contents

    Instructions on how to use Golem tools:

    Yagna installation for requestorsSimple instructions on how to install Yagna service and become part of the Golem Network.
    Managing Golem walletInstructions on how to check your wallet address, monitor status, enable payments on the main network, and obtain test tokens.
    Golem wallet backupProcedure for how to backup and secure your Golem wallet.
    Restoring Golem walletProcedure for how to restore your wallet after new Yagna installation.
    Converting Docker image to Golem formatInstructions on how to convert Docker image into Golem format.
    Gvmkit-build installation (image conversion tool)How to install the tool that can convert Docker image into Golem format (+ instructions on how to run it without installation).
    Publishing custom imagesInformation on how to make your image available for providers: both "hash" and "tag" naming conventions covered.

    JS code examples are organized in articles dedicated to specific topics:

    Executing tasksIllustrate how to execute tasks in parallel on the Golem Network, how to initialize providers, and how to run a single task.
    Defining tasksShows how to build tasks from commands, especially how commands can be chained.
    Sending dataShows how to use specific commands dedicated to sending data in the network.
    Working with resultsPresents the structure of the results depending on the way tasks are defined and explains how to handle failures.
    Selecting providersShows how to select providers based on filters, whitelists or blacklists.
    Using imagesShows how you can define your custom image.
    Accessing the InternetInstructions on how to prepare a manifest and specify a demand, so you can reach the internet from the provider node.
    Using app-keysShows how to create and use in the code, a unique app-key to manage access to your Yagna.
    Switching to mainnetShows how to create and use a unique app-key to manage access to Yagna.