
Golem JS SDK CLI tool and its usage explained

Golem SDK CLI is a companion tool for the Golem SDK. It is developed in parallel with the SDK, and new features are added as the SDK evolves or new use cases emerge.

Installing / Getting started

Golem SDK CLI is available as an NPM package.

Install using npm:

npm install -g @golem-sdk/cli

Install using yarn:

yarn global add @golem-sdk/cli

To check if the installation was successful, run:

golem-sdk --version

After installation, the CLI is ready to be used.


Create a new Golem Application

The fastest way to get started with Golem Network is to use golem-sdk new to create a new application from a template.

golem-sdk new

You will be asked a series of questions about your application and the CLI will use your answers to generate a new Golem Application.

The first question will be the project name. The CLI will use it to create a new directory for your application in the current directory. You can use the --path option to override this behaviour.

Note: The command will abort if the directory already exists.

You can provide all the needed information from command line too. Type golem-sdk new --help to see the list of available options.

Golem Manifest

Golem Manifest is a JSON document that describes your Golem application. While it is not necessary for simple applications, you will need it if you want to access advanced features of the Golem SDK, like access to the Internet.

The golem-sdk CLI allows users to create and update the manifest file. By default, it assumes the manifest is available in a manifest.json file in the current folder. If you want to point to a different file, use the --manifest (or -m) option.

Creating a Golem Manifest

To create a new Golem Manifest with the golem-sdk CLI, run:

golem-sdk manifest create <image> [--image-hash hash]

The image argument should identify the GVMI image used by your application. The tools accept a few formats which are explained in the table below. You can learn more about Golem images here.

If you have a package.json file in your project, the tool will use the name, version, and description fields from the file to fill in the fields in the manifest. Otherwise, you will need to provide them manually.


The manifest needs to contain the image URL pointing to the GVMI download location and its hash to validate its integrity. To facilitate the process of creating a manifest, golem-sdk accepts multiple forms of image argument, where some of them will automatically resolve the URL and/or hash. Please consult the table below for more details:

Argument formatExampleIs --image-hash required?Notes
Image taggolem/node:latestNo, it will be automatically resolved.Image hash is fetched from []. It is the recommended method.
Image hash3d6c48bb4c192708168d53cee4f36876b263b7745c3a3c239c6749cdNo, it is resolved from the image argument.Image URL will point to []
URL to registry.golem.network, it is automatically resolved.
URL to arbitrary download location, image-hash is required.Image is calculated by the gvmkit-build conversion tool.

If the hash is not provided or resolved, you will get a warning that the manifest will not be usable until you provide it manually.

Adding outbound URLs

For your application to access the Internet from the Golem network, the manifest must include the outbound URLs the application will be using.

The default set of URLs that providers may allow your application to use is available (here). Note providers can modify the content of the list.

Example: Simple use

This command will update the manifest file with the provided URL:

golem-sdk manifest net add-outbound

You can use this command multiple times to add additional URLs to the manifest or pass many URLs in a single run:

Example: Multiple URLs

This command will update the manifest file with all the URLs provided.

golem-sdk manifest net add-outbound

Signing the manifest

If the provider has set up an audited-payload rule for URLs not on the whitelist, you can gain access to these URLs. However, they must be declared in the manifest, and the manifest is signed by the key linked with the certificate accepted by the provider.

To sign the manifest, run:

golem-sdk manifest sign -k <private-key>

If your private key is encrypted, you will need to provide the correct passphrase (-p or --passphrase option). This command will produce a signature file (by default manifest.sig) that you will need to use in your application.

Verifying the signature

You can verify the manifest signature with your certificate using the following command:

golem-sdk manifest verify

By default, it will use manifest.pem as the certificate file and manifest.sig as the signature file. You can change that by using the --certificate-file and --signature-file options.

On success, it will print the following message:

Manifest matches signature.

It is important to use this command to make sure the key you are using is compatible with your certificate.

Next steps
  • See our tutorial on how to create a manifest and use it in the requestor script to reach the '' from a provider.

  • If you see a feature missing or a possible Golem SDK user experience improvement we could implement, please open an issue or a pull request.

See also